Golf GPS Comparison

To help you find the best golf GPS, here on this Golf GPS comparison page, we are providing a summary of Golf GPS units that we have reviewed in a concise format allowing easy side by side comparison of features specs and prices. These are all good golf GPS units and if you are interested…

Garmin Approach S1 GPS Watch Review

[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”160″ identifier=”B00RKNTYAW” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”doggiegates-20″ width=”160″] In this Garmin Approach S1 GPS watch review, we are going to show you the key features and benefits of this golf watch and tell you some of the weaknesses of the watch. We want to help you in your search for your ideal GPS so that…

Golf GPS Benefits – Discover the Benefits of a Golf GPS

If you have been golfing for any time at all, you have undoubtedly seen how popular Golf GPS units have become. There are integrated GPS screens built into the golf cart you may have rented, or the hand held GPS devices and convenient watch models. So you may be wondering, what are the Golf GPS…

Bushnell NEO XS Golf GPS Rangefinder Watch Review

[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”500″ identifier=”B00IEKPCQ0″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”doggiegates-20″ width=”500″] The Bushnell NEO XS Golf GPS Rangefinder Watch will appeal to the golfer who wants a convenient, reliable and compact golf GPS. This unit is also light and comfortable to wear as a golf GPS or as a regular wrist watch. It provides accurate distances to the…